

Workshop tekenen en schilderen in Amsterdam Zuidoost
o.l.v. Astrid Jibodh

 Workshop tekenen en schilderen door Astrid Jibodh  Workshop tekenen en schilderen door Astrid Jibodh  Workshop tekenen en schilderen door Astrid Jibodh

Recycling with a twist 2017

Astrid Jibodh heeft op 29 januari meegedaan met de expositie Recycling with a twist in Suriname.
Het was inspirerend voor Astrid om kunstwerken te vervaardigen van afvalmateriaal.

 Recycling with a twist 2017  Recycling with a twist 2017  Recycling with a twist 2017

Expositie: Keti Koti
Kunstenares: Astrid Jibodh

U bent van harte uitgenodigd voor de opening van de expositie 150 jaar Afschaffing Slavernij Suriname op 26 juni 2013.
Astrid Jibodh laat zich inspireren door kleuren, mensen, de natuur en religie. Deze inspiratiebronnen zijn terug te zien in haar kunstwerken.

Programma woensdag 26 juni 2013

  • 16:00 uur: Inloop
  • 16:30 uur: Opening expositie door mw. Dalgliesh, Wethouder Welzijn Stadsdeel Zuidoost
  • 16:35 uur: Toespraak door mw. H. Burleson- Esajas
  • 16:45 uur: Bezichtiging tentoonstelling
  • Afsluiting met borrel en muziek
  • 18:00 uur: Einde

Bezoek de tentoonstelling van 26 juni t/m 3 juli 2013 in het informatiecentrum van het stadsdeelkantoor Z/O, Anton de Komplein 150 op werkdagen van 8:30 tot 15:00 uur.
De toegang is gratis.

Astrid wins competition with her smily faces

Astrid Jibodh has been chosen as one of the winners of the painters competition 'colourfull vaandels in the city of Amsterdam.

Her work was selected out of many painters, young and old and earned her a very special price: An exhibition in the in the renewed trainstation called 'Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena'.

The trainstation is located nearby the Amsterdam Arena and boulevard wich gives the artpeices major exposure to thousands of travellers each and every single day. Astrid's peice in particular represents the different coultures of the Amsterdam population.

Astrid gives an exhibition in
Gallery Libbe Venema

Caribean music, fingerfood and lovely paintings were the main ingredients of the exhibition's opening Astrid gave at the well known Gallery Venema in Amsterdam.

It was a day friends, familily and potential clients had been looking forward to, because central to the exhibition was a brand new collection. Some of the works definately stood out as absolute favorites of the visitors, like this painting Astrid is holding in the picture called 'Horses in the mist'.

Expositie: 27 augustus 2016
door kunstenares Astrid Jibodh